Road Repairs Should Continue Even After NAM- UPC to Gov’t

Road Repairs Should Continue Even After NAM- UPC to Gov’t

Uganda People’s Congress Party has urged the government  to continue with the road construction and rehabilitation exercise even after the NAM and G77 summits

Faizol Muzeyi Head of media at UPC says the construction and repairs should also be extended to upcountry roads and not only in the city center.

Ever since Uganda was endorsed to host the Non-Allied Movement Heads of States Summit, there has been a bee hive of activities going on in preparation to have a blissful function.

Notably, road construction and maintenance have been at the center stage of all activities around the city center of Kampala. However, the Uganda People’s Congress appeals to the government not only to clean the sitting room but also the bedroom. Faizo Muzeyi head of media says the rehabilitation exercise should also be extended to upcountry roads.

Muzeyi says what the government is doing is to appease the visitors and yet neglect its taxpayers who frequently use these roads.

“UPC is urging the government to continue with the road repairs in Kampala and not only necessarily for the said Summit purposes, which repairs should be extended to up-country as roads are vital links to communication and service delivery. Any impassable road or damaged bridge is a real challenge to trade and movements of people thus the need to be focused and decisive as we move on with 2024,” said Faizo

In a related development,  As Uganda prepares for the 2025/2026 General Elections, UPC has demanded the implementation of electoral reforms that can ease the campaigns and polling. Faizal Muzey argues that  Political Parties with representation in parliament should be assisted through the treasury to facilitate some of their day-to-day activities.

“Section 14 A (b) of the Political Parties and Organisations Act as amended, “in respect of elections, Government shall finance political organizations and parties on an equal basis”, has never been implemented! All key stakeholders need to refocus on this and proceed decisively as we move to improve our electoral processes.” Said Faizo

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