Kyambogo University Staff Investigated for Defilement of a Blind Teenage Student

Kyambogo University Staff Investigated for Defilement of a Blind Teenage Student

The police are investigating allegations of defilement of an underage blind girl by a senior staff member of Kyambogo University.

It is alleged that in early October, Dr. Lawrence Eron, the former Dean of the School of Special Needs, dragged and raped a 16-year-old blind girl while accompanying her home from a trip to Kenya. However, the father of the victim is concerned that the police chose to release Dr. Eron on police bond for what now appears to be a capital offense.

The victim whose identity we choose not to reveal is a 16-year-old S.4 candidate who alleges that at the beginning of October, she and other blind students traveled to Kenya for a conference on the use of IT  to address the need of the blind

After this 4 day conference, misfortune arose on returning to uganda,  Dr. Lawrence Eron, the former dean of the school for special needs students offered to escort the victim back to her parent’s home in Kira division 

She reveals that during the journey back to her parents’ home only two of them were in the car with Dr. Eron as she sat in the co-driver seat. 
Along the way, she felt thirsty and  Dr. Eron gave her a bottle of water but she blacked out immediately.

“When I gained consciousness I found myself in the back seat and Dr. Eron immediately gave me a pill and he cautioned me that it would be effective before 72 hours.” she narrates

According to the victim, Dr Eron also made some threats. She says she was cautioned against disclosing whatever happened to anyone or else her life and the parents’ would be in danger.

However, on returning to school, she gathered the valor to open up to one of her teachers.

” I was not at peace ever since that day, I was traumatized whenever it crossed my mind again that I was defiled,” she said in grief

Speaking to the Deputy Police Spokesperson of Kampala Metropolitan Luke Owesigire, He revealed the case file was forwarded to the office  Director of Public Prosecution DPP who advised that further investigation be done on this master.

“The DPP advised that further inquiries be done especially from the child who was last dropped before the victim and the person who opened the gate for the victim at home,” said Oweyesigire

The victim’s father has raised concerns over the police’s decision to release Dr Eron the suspect in a case he considers to be capital in nature.
“The primary evidence from the police clearly shows that there was a forceful penetration and injury, I think this could have been enough to parade this man before the magistrate,” said the victim’s father.

Our attempts to reach Dr Eron on the phone were futile as all his known contacts were off.

What Does The Law Say?

Defilement is when a person (offender) performs a sexual act with a child (victim).

A child under the law is a person who is below 18 years of age. Offenders that can be arrested and charged: adults (18 years and above). It is assumed by the law that a child of 12 years and below cannot be capable of knowing the difference between right and wrong and should therefore not be held criminally responsible.

Consent to the sexual act and/or someone not getting pregnant are not defenses. In cases of defilement, issues of consent and pregnancy are irrelevant. This means that whether one has agreed to it or has not ended up pregnant is not a defense. The sexual act itself is seen as a crime by law.

It is worth keeping in mind that The offense of defilement does not apply to only girls. Boys too can be victims of defilement. Additionally, both males and females can be arrested for committing the offense of defilement.

Once proven guilty, this offense attracts a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, according to the laws in Uganda.

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