Uganda Red Cross Society Launches ‘Humanity Needs You’ Campaign to Establish Humanitarian Fund

Uganda Red Cross Society Launches ‘Humanity Needs You’ Campaign to Establish Humanitarian Fund

The Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) has unveiled an ambitious campaign as part of its 60th-anniversary celebrations, aiming to establish a humanitarian fund to bolster its activities. Announced by Secretary General Robert Kwesiga on Tuesday, the six-month campaign, titled ‘Humanity Needs You,’ seeks to recruit members and volunteers to support the organization’s mission.

Kwesiga emphasized the necessity for Uganda Red Cross to achieve sustainability through domestic support rather than relying solely on external partners. “It is akin to sending your children to the neighbor for meals daily and expecting your family to thrive,” he remarked. “For the sustainability of Red Cross activities, we cannot depend exclusively on international funding and donors.”

He highlighted the limitations of international donor funds, which are often designated for specific projects aligned with donor interests, leaving other critical emergencies underfunded. Kwesiga called for Ugandans to take responsibility for supporting their own humanitarian needs.

“Global economic challenges have constrained the capacities of major economies to extend support beyond their borders. Considering Uganda’s needs, the contributions from these big powers are merely a drop in the ocean. We must therefore take charge of funding our own initiatives,” Kwesiga asserted.

As an example, Kwesiga pointed to the urgent need for blood donations in Uganda. “While the country requires a minimum of 450,000 units of blood annually, last year we managed to collect only around 300,000 units. International donors rarely fund blood donation efforts as they are not a priority for them. Additionally, many local disasters, though significant, do not capture international attention or funding.”

The proposed humanitarian fund is envisioned to empower URCS to independently respond to disasters and emergencies across Uganda, without waiting for external assistance. Kwesiga noted that while government funding is appreciated, it is insufficient and often delayed until after disasters have occurred.


“We could achieve much more if we had adequate resources, as there are many people in need of our support. Ugandans must play a pivotal role in funding humanitarian assistance programs within their own country, rather than relying on international donors,” Kwesiga urged.

The campaign does not set a specific contribution amount for individuals; instead, it encourages widespread participation to leverage collective efforts. “We call upon Ugandans to become members and volunteers of the Uganda Red Cross. Humanity needs you. Contributions can be monetary, services, or time—all of which can be equated to financial support. Even small contributions, when pooled together, can achieve great impact.”

To ensure transparency and accountability, a trustee board and an international audit firm will oversee the humanitarian fund. “We will implement a mechanism allowing willing individuals to make payments into the fund, managed by trustees and audited by an international firm. This will enable us to respond promptly and effectively to emergencies and carry out necessary activities,” Kwesiga concluded.

The ‘Humanity Needs You’ campaign represents a call to action for Ugandans to unite in supporting the Uganda Red Cross Society’s mission, ensuring sustainability and readiness to address the nation’s humanitarian needs.

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